Breathe in deeply, breathe out slowly. Relax your shoulders and your jaw. Find stillness before you read the affirmation practice below out loud.

As my day starts, I turn within to give thanks for the joy of simply being alive.

Thank you Life that I wake to see yet another day.  Today I continue my journey to be my greatest yet to be. I know all of that is available to me because every day is a tremendous blessing that is to be used for my good and the good of the world.

So here I am.  Use me.  Use me as your instrument, so I may know the joy of being chosen and used by you.  I now  make myself available to experience everything that is available in Life; the good, the bad, the indifferent.  For I also know there are lessons abundant in every aspect of Life and I open my heart to learn, to feel, to act from a place of knowing with all of my lessons learned.

I feel Life so strongly seeking to express through me, as me and all around me, so into this zone I enter knowing that Life seeks to know itself as me today and everyday.  There is a quickening happening within me from my head to my toes.

I now affirm that heaven is right where I am, all manner of good is already mine.  I open my mind and eyes to see what is in store for me and I call it forth knowing that it is good and very good.

With ultimate gratitude and appreciation, I simply let it be.

Thank you!


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