In the quietude of this moment, I claim for and about myself gratitude, simple and humble gratitude for the countless blessings in my life; those of which I am aware and those of which I am not.
The unfolding wonder of life shows up in every aspect of my life. Even now, I am so grateful for this body temple that flows with vibrant health, vitality and wholeness. I am so utterly grateful that through this body, I get to feel love, sense hurt, appreciate gut intuition. Oh my goodness, how wonderful I am made.
Harmonious energy flows through every organ, muscle and fiber of my being. Every vital organ knows exactly what to do and does so with mind blowing precision. Every neuron fires at the right time and I am overflowing with health and gratitude.
I’m grateful for the beauty that surrounds me. To every individual in my life, I say thank you for loving me, for sharing yourself with me, for inspiring me and for uplifting me on days when I could not see my own inner beauty. All manner of good is flowing through me and all around me.
My mental body is clean, my emotional body is pristine, my financial affairs are abundant and in order. I am flooded with gratitude, knowing that all is well in my world.
I sit in peace and surrounded by blessings. All is well. 14:22:522020-12-29 14:24:02A Practice of Gratitude - For Any Time of Day
From the womb of my heart, I send a blessing to all beings on the planet, to all creatures and elements of nature.
From North to South, from East to West, may all beings be free from suffering and the causes of suffering. May all know Joy and Peace, the peace that passes all understanding. May all beings rise, flourish and know safety and security in their environments. May they have clean pure water to drink and a plentiful supply of food. May they know love.
I know that their safety, their health and Mine are inextricably linked because we come from the same Source. I therefore give thanks in advance for the many blessings that shall occur upon their lives, simply because where others suffer in the world, my world is also affected. I know that there cannot be peace Here and not There. We live in one world.
Just as I desire peace, compassion, understanding, forgiveness and joy, so do all beings everywhere. I therefore speak out loud the Word for the benefit of the lives of all beings.
May all of our highest potentials be realised in this lifetime and may we all live in Harmony with Life. 14:03:492020-12-29 14:24:28A Practice for Wishing Others Well
As I go within, I sit with full intention to clear away the crass, the irrelevant and the complicated which has been a barrier to my Freedom. I know that within this temple there is everything I need to take the first step in any endeavour and to relinquish all fear, procrastination and what-if-ness.
I open my heart and mind to finding the beauty, joy and perfect knowing in just Beginning. There is no-thing to fear here. There is only joy in beauty and beauty in joy and perfect knowing in all of it. I affirm my commitment to Beginning.
And so, I take the first step, I am not ashamed that it is a baby step. All I know is that it is a step and it counts as me taking action in reclaiming my divine freedom and ultimate happiness.
I relinquish the parts of me that have relied on the opinions of others, societal trends and an addiction to drama. These parts of me have been gainfully employed for years and I am happy to say now that “they are now out of a job”!
I am no longer afraid to let go, since these redundant parts of me have nothing new to offer. I now step into all manner of Actuality, Possibility and Potential. Doors now open where once there were only walls. I declare that I have now begun a new chapter of my life, turned a new page and new pathways emerge even as I speak.
I give thanks knowing that I have done the right thing and all is well. 13:41:372020-12-29 14:24:52A Practice for Beginning
Breathe in deeply, breathe out slowly. Relax your shoulders and your jaw. Find stillness before you read the affirmation practice below out loud.
As my day starts, I turn within to give thanks for the joy of simply being alive.
Thank you Life that I wake to see yet another day. Today I continue my journey to be my greatest yet to be. I know all of that is available to me because every day is a tremendous blessing that is to be used for my good and the good of the world.
So here I am. Use me. Use me as your instrument, so I may know the joy of being chosen and used by you. I now make myself available to experience everything that is available in Life; the good, the bad, the indifferent. For I also know there are lessons abundant in every aspect of Life and I open my heart to learn, to feel, to act from a place of knowing with all of my lessons learned.
I feel Life so strongly seeking to express through me, as me and all around me, so into this zone I enter knowing that Life seeks to know itself as me today and everyday. There is a quickening happening within me from my head to my toes.
I now affirm that heaven is right where I am, all manner of good is already mine. I open my mind and eyes to see what is in store for me and I call it forth knowing that it is good and very good.
With ultimate gratitude and appreciation, I simply let it be. 10:31:062020-11-26 10:31:06An Affirmation practice to start your day
In 1998, three scientists won the Nobel Prize in physiology for discovering a ridiculous number of ways this anti-ageing molecule helps the human body.
Your brain, arteries, immune system, liver, pancreas, and lungs would quickly shut down without this incredible stuff. And the more you have flowing through your beautiful body, the longer you will live. Wired magazine has called it the ‘Zen’ molecule. In scientific circles, it is called Nitric Oxide.
Why is it called the Zen molelcule? Because studies have shown that meditation boosts Nitric Oxide by More Than 1,000%+! Nathaniel-James Nathaniel-James2018-09-13 14:15:262020-10-13 16:04:40Meditate for Greater Health and Live Longer
According to Stem Cell Biologist, Dr. Bruce Lipton, a prominent and highly respected cell researcher, “Stress is the cause of at least 95% of all disease.”
In a stressful situation, your body gets ready for emergency action, causing certain hormones to flood your system. This “fight or flight” reaction increases your blood pressure, breathing and heart rate.
Fight or flight literally squeezes the blood away from your vital organs to your arms and legs in readiness for action (usually ‘flight’). A natural product of our evolution, this response was very important for our ancient ancestors who faced real “life or death” situations.
The problem is, modern man’s common relationship issues, job problems, and financial difficulties are unnecessarily eliciting this same chemical cocktail of harmful hormones. Even worse, because these aren’t true fight or flight situations, we often “suck it up” and internalise the stress, making us feel helpless and powerless, surging our systems with even more nasty stuff.
Long-term stress (chronic) can exhaust your entire nervous system, releasing cortisol and adrenaline in a vicious cycle, eventually causing you to “burn out.” The result? You age faster, your immune system weakens, and your vital brain tissue shrinks.
Soon, anxiety and depression set in, causing you to seek out an escape mechanism (usually an addiction). Without an effective stress antidote, things can spiral further out of control, opening the door up to disease of all types.
Meditation is the Key. From physically changing the structure of the brain (neuroplasticity), to releasing stress neutralising chemicals, to quieting the anxiety-creating mind-chatter, here’s how meditation can work as the very best stress-neutralising tool.
A swimmer who has trained himself to do 20 lengths of the pool is unphased by a now petty 3 lengths that seemed difficult in his first week. Likewise, practicing meditation regularly will also push your mental and emotional thresholds to higher limits. The stress that once left you anxious, depressed, and possibly reaching for your favourite escape mechanism (meds, alcohol) will simply not carry anywhere near the same weight as before.
In addition, all of the anxiety and depression, building up over your lifetime gets melted away, session by session, layer by layer – even if you have tried everything else without success. In the end, your “nerves of steel” will be impenetrable to stress and all of its nasty side effects.
Scientists believe that our brains generate more than 50,000 thoughts per day. The problem is, for most of us, our minds feed us useless, fear-based, past/future narratives that make no difference to us in the present moment.
The same stale, repetitive thoughts about not having enough, not doing enough, and not being enough make us feel inadequate, powerless, and helpless. To compound the problem, we create even more resistance by attaching good/bad labels to our incoming thoughts.
The world-renowned founding father of analytical psychology, Dr. Carl Jung, perhaps put it best, “what you resist, persists.” This monkey mind effect creates a stress-based downward spiral, opening the door up to anxiety, depression, addiction, and a long list of disease.
So how do you quiet Monkey Mind?
Luckily, meditation is the very best method of quieting and stilling the mind. Meditation teaches you to be mindful of your incoming thoughts – to be aware of your inner monologue. It transfers power away from the busy, “monkey mind” to the slow, deep, profound Pre-frontal Cortex (responsible for clarity and decision making), allowing you to think more clearly and creatively about everything happening in your life.
Eventually your dominant level of consciousness will be calm yet powerful, where your true potential can finally shine through. Your highly beneficial meditation sessions will effectively eliminate whatever stress your cells are currently holding in, while preventing all future stress from snowballing into anything unmanageable like anxiety, depression or any other disease.
With medical science making it obvious just how damaging stress is to your overall health, it is easy to see why this age-old practice has now become a common practice. Nathaniel-James Nathaniel-James2018-09-13 14:03:582020-10-16 10:28:37Busy Mind Epidemic or Monkey Mind! Nathaniel-James Nathaniel-James2018-09-13 14:02:352020-10-16 10:30:56Meditation - "Don't just do something, Sit There"
The cosmetics industry got super excited that a Lobster was caught and this thing weighed 20 lbs was estimated to be at least 140 years old. And? I hear you say! What about it?
Take a moment to really think about that last fact. In theory, this lobster hatched in late 1800s. Most lobsters don’t live to that ripe old age because they’re eaten, injured or exposed to disease but if you removed these factors the results might be very different.
Anyway…………Lobsters are one of a handful of species that appear to be “biologically immortal.” These creatures don’t age in the same way that you or I do.
This got the beauty industry salivating. They’re now working on all kinds of lotions and potions involving the (not so secret ingredient) called Telomerase.
Lobsters appear to crank out tons of this stuff all the time, with no dropoff in production. Ever!
As humans become weaker and more brittle, these super crustaceans become bigger, stronger, and perhaps most amazing of all, more fertile with each year that goes by.
Luckily, you do not need to grow pincers, sprout a protective shell, and move to the bottom of the ocean to gain the benefits of Telomerase.
A 2011 study by doctors at the University of California-Davis (Jacobs et al) looked at the white blood cells of 30 people before and after a three-month meditation retreat. What did they find?
The scientists discovered that the meditators produced about 40% more “telomerase units per 10,000 cells” versus the control group! Nathaniel-James Nathaniel-James2018-09-13 14:00:482020-10-13 16:08:27So normally, this would not be news...
“Asked what quality distinguishes star performers in their respective fields, these individuals cited grit (or a close synonym) as often as talent. In fact, many were awed by the achievements of peers who did not (at first) seem as gifted as others but whose sustained commitment to their ambitions was exceptional. Likewise, many noted with surprise that prodigiously gifted peers did not end up in the upper echelons of their field.” Angela Duckworth, PhD.
We aren’t born with a “set” amount of grit but there are things we can do to strengthen our mental toughness. And leading the pack? Meditation. It all starts with the brain.