
When Small Changes create Big Changes

We are full of them, whether we realise it or not.  We say we…
February 17, 2021/by alife

A Magnet Called You: Understanding Abundance

You are a magnet, whether you choose that word or not, you are…
February 10, 2021/by alife

Sense and Senses

Sometimes we struggle to believe something unless we have proof…
January 22, 2021/by alife

Courage – An Embodiment Practice

Today I choose to be vulnerable. I am open to experiencing my…
January 11, 2021/by alife

Fear and Courage

The Willingness to live our desires takes courage. 
From early…
January 11, 2021/by alife

An Invitation – from the Heart of an Integral Development Coach

The work that I do is simply “Heart” work. 
I hold…
December 30, 2020/by alife

A Practice of Gratitude – For Any Time of Day

In the quietude of this moment, I claim for and about myself…
December 29, 2020/by alife

A Practice for Wishing Others Well

From the womb of my heart, I send a blessing to all beings on…
December 29, 2020/by alife

A Practice for Beginning

As I go within, I sit with full intention to clear away the crass,…
December 29, 2020/by alife

An Affirmation practice to start your day

Breathe in deeply, breathe out slowly. Relax your shoulders…
November 26, 2020/by alife

An Unexamined Life Is Not Worth Living

Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of…
November 20, 2020/by alife

Be Yourself… Everyone else is taken.

You love your sibling.  You want to be like her because she…
November 20, 2020/by alife