The work that I do is simply “Heart” work.
I hold others with and from the Emotional centre of my being. Feeling another (without touching), holding another (energetically), touching another (vibrationally). That is what I do.
I am a midwife to holding the ache, the sorrow, the joy, the courage, the peace. When a beloved (You) sits before me with “their story”, this opens a gateway into the interior landscape of both teller and listener. An unfolding begins to occur in the telling of the story and the conscious contemplation of both beloved and midwife.
My presence holds a warning and a promise in the same energetic space; the consequences of moments of deep intimacy with yourself, with another and with the world. I hold the space for you to be present with your joy and sorrow, with longing and desire, as layer upon layer of yourself, myself and the world is revealed.
Neither of us can know in advance, what this revelation will look like or what action it will inspire or compel us to take. Personally, I have circled moments of anticipated intimacy with my own desires, catch the scent of portended change in the air and promptly shut down my emotions for fear of what it would call upon me to do in and with my life. Having based parts of my life on truths that no longer exist, the changes that deep intimacy with real Truth evoked looked very dangerous. It is terrifying to watch one’s life structures crumble and fall. It forced me to ask, “Who am I now without these stories”?
You cannot tell in advance which aspects of your carefully constructed sense of self, if any, will survive when you begin a coaching journey. However well-intentioned or unconscious, if you have lived your life from a place of being asleep to yourself, the idea of giving birth to a new self is a total knee trembler.
The beauty of doing this work is the recognition at some point, that there are things that Life wanted me to know, and since I have experience of it, I can therefore re-gift it to another by way of my heart when they sit before me.
As a midwife, I have often touched my own sorrow as well as my joy. I cannot promise that the journey to birthing your ‘Self’ will be easy. Opening yourself to living intimately with the world is not a selective process where you are in control of every experience. And so it is, that as “You,” sit before me, I know that you have taken the first step towards revealing the next layer of your life. I know that you are seeking this thing that is calling your name; there is a hunger present. When I am able to help you to acknowledge this hunger within yourself, once you are even able to taste the possibility of touching the meaning enfolded in your life, you can never be content with just going through the motions. Learning cannot be undone. It is at this point that transformation begins.
Those of us who do this work, can sense, see and feel the courage of another human heart. It is from this place of Heart that I hold what matters for the journey; again and again, even when doing so may seem to the human mind, unbearable or simply impossible. All of us, are here to give birth to a deeper intimacy with our lives and our world and with Heart we open gateways for others to do the same.